[olug] VPN Hardware

Christopher Cashell topher-olug at zyp.org
Tue May 10 18:04:14 UTC 2011

On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 12:53 PM, Craig Wolf <CJWolf at mpsomaha.org> wrote:
> Got an emergency call for support today.  I have 3 sites.  1 is the home site, 2 remote sites.  I need to VPN all traffic from the remote sites into the home site.  What hardware can I purchase and put in place in the next 48 hours to make this happen?  It needs to be local purchase though since this is time sensitive.

Does it *have* to be hardware based?  If not, give OpenVPN a try.
It's an awesome VPN solution.

> Craig Wolf


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