[olug] XBOX 360 backup [OT]

Carl Lundstedt clundst at unlserve.unl.edu
Wed Nov 16 06:25:00 UTC 2011

Did you try to resurrect the 360?

I messed up and gouged my mainboard, so I can't claim it will work, but 
my red ringed box comes up enough that I could dump the harddrive to a 
USB stick.  (It overheats when I start a game.)

If you buy a 4GB slim the harddrive can just be slid into the drive slot 
on the slim (doesn't fit tight, but works).


> I am getting rid of an rrod'd xbox 360 and I want to backup my data to move
> to a new console.
> I don't currently have any xbox memory cards or an easy transfer cable, and
> want to get rid of the old one well before getting a new one.
> Does anyone know the backup process in my situation? Thanks
> Also, by the way, would anyone want to take it off my hands?
> http://omaha.craigslist.org/vgm/2690495999.html
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