[olug] OT: Tablet?

Tim Larson larson at towncommons.com
Tue Aug 7 17:58:00 UTC 2012

On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 12:03 PM, Sam Flint <harmonicnm7h at gmail.com> wrote:
> that is odd, i love the projection thing, powers a favorite app of mine, s5

I completely agree.  I used to do my presentations in HTML all the
time using Opera, which you could toggle to projection mode.  During
the presentation you'd only see bullet points and diagrams, set nicely
using page-break-before on h# tags.  Afterwards, going to the same URL
(using screen stylesheet) you'd see the full text so you could read

This reminds me that I should probably update my stylesheets to use
darker themes in handheld mode.

Tim Larson

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