[olug] Borrow a motherboard?

Kevin D. Snodgrass kdsnodgrass at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 2 01:01:28 UTC 2012

> From: Obi-Wan <obiwan at jedi.com>

>To: olug at olug.org 
>Sent: Sunday, January 1, 2012 4:46 PM
>Subject: [olug] Borrow a motherboard?
>I'm having some weird problems with my 3.5-yr-old desktop system.  It
>started out as a flaky SATA drive and has degenerated to the point
>where my mobo won't even POST.

Do you have a spare power supply?  No POST sounds like either power supply or bad motherboard.

Take ALL the cards out (except video), all but 1 (or 2 if required) memory card, not drives attached, not even floppy or CD.  Does it POST now?  If you have a diff PS try it on the bare MB also.  If you get POST then started adding in memory first, then other things until it breaks again.

If it won't POST with either PS and everything out except video and minimal memory, try a diff video if you have it, and diff memory.  If still nothing I would say the MB is toasty.

Good luck...
Kevin D. Snodgrass 

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