[olug] OLUG Luncheon March 16th 2012 11:30 AM

Jon Larsen jon at jonlarsen.us
Fri Mar 16 18:24:06 UTC 2012

There were three of us at Cali Taco.

On 03/15/2012 10:01 AM, Jon Larsen wrote:
> To clarify, this would be Friday, March 16th at 11:30 AM
> On 03/15/2012 09:50 AM, Jon Larsen wrote:
>> Another month, another luncheon.
>> As mentioned at this month's meeting, I received one off-list email 
>> of location suggestions, and one on list. As there didn't seem to be 
>> much interest in changing the luncheon at the moment, we'll continue 
>> with the existing structure.
>> If you still wish to make suggestions, please email them to me off-list.
>> Luncheon begins at 11:30 and runs to 1PM. Please wear something that 
>> advertises linux, or a sign with the tux pengiun on it so others can 
>> meet up.
>> After the lunch, please provide a small report on how many attended 
>> your location.
>> The lunch locations are as follows:
>> East Omaha – California Taco
>> West Omaha – Whole Foods
>> Council Bluffs – Lansky’s
>> Lincoln – Yia Yia’s
>> Jon L.

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