[olug] [OT] My friend has a broken hard drive

Kenny Kant akennykant at gmail.com
Fri Mar 16 23:19:50 UTC 2012

I have never personally used them but I always hear about Shrock
Innovations having a great hard drive recovery / clean room.  They have
stores in Omaha and Lincoln.   http://www.schrockinnovations.com/

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 3:32 AM, <aric at omahax.com> wrote:

> If the drive is recognized by the BIOS, I third the SpinRite
> recommendation.  It has saved me a few times.  It was an app on the old
> Hiren's Boot CDs.
> I haven't used HDD Regenerator but that would probably also work.
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