[olug] OT - Windows network question

Kevin D. Snodgrass kdsnodgrass at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 15 02:56:36 UTC 2012

> From: Dan Staehr <staehrmedia at neb.rr.com>

> To: Omaha Linux User Group <olug at olug.org>
> Cc: 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 4:19 PM
> Subject: [olug] OT - Windows network question
> Also, for the computers they are planning to sell, what is the easiest way to 
> clean the drives, and can the current OS's be reloaded. I'd like to 
> clean the drives, and reload them with Ubuntu maybe.

Boot from a bootable Linux CD, any should work, run this command from a terminal window:

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512

Let that run until it tosses an error.

I have exactly zero clue how to do something like this in any version of winders...

Kevin D. Snodgrass 

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