[olug] Raspberry Pi under QEMU

Dan Linder dan at linder.org
Thu Aug 1 03:25:14 UTC 2013

I'm trying to run the Raspberry Pi pre-compiled image
(2013-07-26-wheezy-raspbian.img) under QEMU on my Ubuntu laptop.

To save anyone who is just starting out, here are a few pointers:
 * Since the 2013-05-25 image, you have to comment out the single line in
the /etc/ld.so.preload file.
 ** To get a stable system long enough to edit that file, on the "-append"
line for qemu-system-arm, add "single", then when you get the root prompt
("#"), type "mount / -o remount,rw", then edit the /etc/ld.so.preload file.
 ** You'll need to reboot after fixing the ld.so.preload file.  Just type
"poweroff" or "reboot" at the root prompt.
 * Apparently only 256MB RAM is supported with QEMU and the Rasberry image
at the moment.  Don't set the "-m 256" to anything higher. :(

Other notes are available here:
 * http://xecdesign.com/qemu-emulating-raspberry-pi-the-easy-way/
 * http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=37386

Now to determine why the network isn't working... :(


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