[olug] Tiny rack-mount chassis

Obi-Wan obiwan at jedi.com
Sat Jan 11 07:02:41 UTC 2014

Thanks for all the suggestions.  I'm leaving town for the weekend, and won't have time to research your suggestions until Monday.  I'd like to keep this box under $500 if possible.  Given how easily the DL360 ran all of those services, keeping them all on a single new box should be easy to do.

Ben "Obi-Wan" Hollingsworth, www.Jedi.com
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note® II

<div>-------- Original message --------</div><div>From: Christopher Cashell <topher-olug at zyp.org> </div><div>Date:2014/01/10  4:59 PM  (GMT-06:00) </div><div>To: Omaha Linux User Group <olug at olug.org> </div><div>Subject: Re: [olug] Tiny rack-mount chassis </div><div>
</div>On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 3:31 PM, Obi-Wan <obiwan at jedi.com> wrote:

> Any suggestions on the hardware and/or case I should use for this? I'm
> usually shopping at the other end of the horsepower spectrum. There's got
> to be chassis out there that are way smaller than the standard rack-mount
> server, but can still run a standard linux distro with some redundancy.

Can you give us a rough idea of your budget for this project?  Also, how
firm is the requirement to run all services from a single device?  Would
you be willing to split some of the functionality?

I can think of a couple of different ways you could go, depending on
flexibility of requirements.

> --
> *Ben "Obi-Wan" Hollingsworth* obiwan at jedi.com <mailto:obiwan at jedi.com>
> www.Jedi.com

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