[olug] Net neutrality wins! (for now, anyway)

Lou Duchez lou at paprikash.com
Thu Feb 26 21:56:34 CST 2015

On 2/26/2015 10:16 PM, Tim Larson wrote:
> On 2015/2/26 6:58 PM, Lou Duchez wrote:
>> “The action that we take today is an irrefutable reflection of the
>> principle that no one — whether government or corporate — should control
>> free open access to the Internet,” Chairman Wheeler stated prior to the
>> vote.
> Yet that's exactly what this does - sets precedent that the internet 
> is regulatable by gov't. Freedom is never lost all at once, but 
> incrementally.
> Tim

Can't argue with "freedom" ... except that one person's "freedom" can 
be, and often is, at the expense of someone else's.  The freedom lost 
today is Verizon's ability to gouge the public, and I will weep exactly 
as many tears for poor ol' Verizon as they deserve.

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