[olug] Domain Name Provider... Suggestions

Matthew G. Marsh olug4mgm at paktronix.com
Fri Jan 30 09:21:05 CST 2015

As a "Gold Level VIP" @ netsol for the last 20 years I am starting to 
really get ticked off at them. Just out of curiousity and for my own 
personal edification, what Domain Name provider do people here use for 
owning & managing > 25 domains?

If this simple request will start a "whose is bigger" or other form of 
spamming war, please feel free to contact me off list.

Thank you for your collective knowledge and experience in advance!

Matthew G. Marsh
Special Email Addr for OLUG ;-}
Phone: (402) 932-7250
Email: olug4mgm at paktronix.com
WWW:  http://www.paksecured.org

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