[olug] OT TiVo stuff for sale

Shawn L. Djernes sdjernes at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 13:10:01 CDT 2020

Hello All,

We have just cut the Cable TV cord. We finalized the change over when we
got Windstream fiber.

I have the following working items:
1.  TiVo Bolt 6-tuner, 1TB, CableCARD
2. 2x ‘newer’ TiVo Mini
3. “Older” TiVo Mini

I have some extra remotes and power adapters as some of our Minis have died
(not bad for 10 years for some items).

Shawn L. Djernes
SD Consulting LLC
sdjernes at gmail.com
402.345.7734 | 402.350.6973 Cell
Fax: 888.297.6310

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