[olug] RedHat 6.9 or 7.0beta

Paul T. McNally nally at radiks.net
Tue Aug 15 23:00:33 UTC 2000

Vincent wrote:
> Most people I talk to don't know about is Redhat's version policy.  All distros
> of a major version will be completely compatible (config files, libraries,
> etc..).  So, XFree86 wouldn't be released in a Redhat 6.x distro because it's
> not compatible with the XFree86 that was shipped with 6.0.  This has a lot of
> advantages for everyone.  The sad part is, it looks like we may not see the 2.4
> kernel in version 7.x.  But who knows since this is still beta?
The RedHat sounds cool. This is good info. (I might have to see
about running Debian and Redhat together on the same system - 
that sounds intriguing - an idea I got from Vincent months ago).

As far as 7.x not having the 2.4 kernel to me seems to be a non
issue, since it is easy to get the source code when it comes out
and build the kernel then. Just want to clarify this point for any 
newbies. Am I wrong? on the same note though with Debian 2.2 out
and RedHat 7.0 loomig the release of kernel 2.4 before now
would have been convenient.

Paul McNally

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