[olug] Cox At Home

Dave Burchell burchell at inetnebr.com
Mon Oct 2 14:29:42 UTC 2000

Paul McNally says:

> A side note: I have had bad luck with CDROM drives
> over the years. Are they all made cheaply? Or maybe
> they take a beating? Are some better quality than
> others? Just curious.

I've had more trouble with CD-ROM drives than with any other component on a
typical desktop computer.

In contrast, I've seen almost zero HD failures during the same time

> Paul

Dave Burchell                                          40.49'N, 96.41'W
Free your mind and your software will follow.              402-467-1619
http://incolor.inetnebr.com/burchell/                  burchell at acm.org     

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