[olug] linux web server management ?

Jeff Hinrichs jlh at cox.net
Sun Dec 22 15:40:34 UTC 2002

> Jeff,
> I can live with you hating my analogy as long as I got my point across.  I
> didn't entirely agree with all your points either in the dissection of my
> analogy, but I'm not going to worry about that very irrelevant debate.  In
> all honesty, like all analogies it does not parallel 100%, nor was it
> intended to.
Point taken.  But it is often used and I think that driving and "using" an
application are analogous.  To remain analogous and refer to an
installation, I would argue that installation of car parts is analogous
to the installation of software.
> Bill

That aside, I agree that most installations are too crude.
I believe that is due to the software being an OSS endeavor as
opposed to a commercial endeavor.(can't make money if it can't
be installed.)  Building a "great install" is not normally the goal of most
OSS developers.  Their love is the application.  Linux needs
two things to reach that goal.  1) A standardized file system layout.
RH is the thorn here. and 2) An easy to use, well though out installer
building utilities.  I also think that software should be rated in a
standardized manner so that the installer(person) will know the
difficulty level.  i.e. Can I install it myself or do I need a systems
person to assist.

Installations have been on my mind of late since I am working on
an OSS app that will soon enter beta.  My alpha testers have all
been admin types so what needed to be done was apparent to
them.  For wider distribution/testing I am going to have to make
the install/documentation as end-user friendly as possible.  To
do this I have to switch my point of view and try and figure out
what things/knowledge I am taking for granted which I should
not with regards to installation.  It's my first go at a multi-platform
app so I have lots of blanks to fill in.  So you commentary on the
state of installs for Linux was very timely for me.  Thank you.


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