[olug] frustrating trying to burn CDs!

Carl Lundstedt clundst at unlserve.unl.edu
Fri Oct 11 21:16:56 UTC 2002

On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 08:06, Ryan wrote:
> Anyone had luck burning CD's with Linux?  Here is the command I'm using:
> cdrecord -v -dao speed=16 driver=mmc_cdr dev=0,0,0 \
> Mandrake90-cd1-inst.i586.iso
Maybe I'm WAAAAY off base here, but is cdrecord 'seeing' your speed=16
flag since it doesn't have the preceding "-"?

Here's the command I issued the last I'm I burned:
cdrecord -data -speed=32 -dev=0,0,0 MandrakeLinux-9.0rc1-CD3.i586.iso


Hope this helps,
Carl Lundstedt

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