[olug] frustrating trying to burn CDs!

Ryan rps at willconsult.com
Fri Oct 11 21:25:23 UTC 2002

At 04:16 PM 10/11/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 08:06, Ryan wrote:
> > Anyone had luck burning CD's with Linux?  Here is the command I'm using:
> >
> > cdrecord -v -dao speed=16 driver=mmc_cdr dev=0,0,0 \
> > Mandrake90-cd1-inst.i586.iso
> >
>Maybe I'm WAAAAY off base here, but is cdrecord 'seeing' your speed=16
>flag since it doesn't have the preceding "-"?
>Here's the command I issued the last I'm I burned:
>cdrecord -data -speed=32 -dev=0,0,0 MandrakeLinux-9.0rc1-CD3.i586.iso

 From reading the man page I understood I could just say value=option on 
the command line.  When cdrecord starts burning it says its going to do it 
at 16x, so I think its getting it.  But it must be burning at 1x for some 
reason.  Or it really is burning at 16x but there's something else slowing 
it way down.

I tried one without the -dao option, as suggested earlier, but it still 
took over an hour.

My system gets pretty slow while this is burning, too.  I'm running RH7.3 
on an Athlon XP 1800 with 256MB.

Should I try another tool?  Can cdrdao be used to do about the same thing? 
 From what I read in the man page for that it always needs a TOC file, 
which I don't really understand.  Just burn my ISO image, please!

Should I be checking or setting anything with hdparam?  Anytime I run 
hdparam on that device it tells me the device is not supported.


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