[olug] Open Position - Systems Administrator

Jay Hannah jay at jays.net
Wed Mar 16 15:32:56 UTC 2005

On Mar 15, 2005, at 3:20 PM, <dthacker9 at cox.net> wrote:
> Omni Hotels has a systems administrator position open.  This position  
> involves a lot of linux, some AIX, solaris, and the odd windows task.   
> RDBMS experience with Informix, Oracle or MySql will be a plus.  Check  
> out the complete listing at
> http://www.careerlink.com/state/ne/city/omaha/frames.htm?page=/state/ 
> ne/city/omaha/doc4.htm?forx=1&house=0322&clicks=1&biscuit=927109053

That link doesn't seem to work. Try clicking from here:




(Hmm... How are you supposed to bookmark / tinyurl.com individual  
openings on careerlink.org? And there's no search function? And we're  
not listed in the employers list. I Googlebot'd to find that URL.)

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