[olug] SUSE 9.3 issues

Joe Gulizia jrguliz at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 13 11:24:28 UTC 2005

I just installed SUSE 9.3 and I keep getting the

An ugly GRAY Login screen....and an xconsole window.

I tried using YAST to check and repair and I ended up
with a "FSCK is corrupt" run manually.

I tried this once BUT something didn't go right.  So
how specifically do I do this?

I'd really love to get rid of the ugly gray screen and
the xconsole window.

The family really liked the fact that in SUSE 9.1 we
had all our individual logins available on the screen
to login.  We lost that when we upgraded too.
Any way to get that back?

Finally -- where can I get video/X-RN-MP4 for
RealPlayer 10?  Google wasn't much help.

Thanks in advance.

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