[olug] Microsoft Vista: Not 'People Ready' - Line wrap tangent

Jay Hannah jay at jays.net
Tue Mar 28 13:16:22 UTC 2006

Jay Hannah wrote:
> Boy, that's really annoying how Thunderbird 1.5 on OSX 10.4.5 in fixed 
> width font shows me carriage returns on my screen and then doesn't send 
> them.
> There's a blank line above this line, I swear.

Wow. In the archive the line feeds show up, but the lines never wrap:


Yet in Thunderbird on OSX and Pine 4.64 on Linux the wrap is fine but there's no blank line sometimes.

I'm torn about line wrapping @ 72. Seems a waste of resizable email window control that everyone uses nowadays (right? Anyone reading this on a dumb terminal? 80 width or 132? -grin-). Or should I just switch to HTML like every client on the planet keeps trying to force me to do?

Sorry for the OT spam. The Pine of Linux observation was on topic, right? -grin-


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