[olug] OT: ASUS M3N78 Pro mbd question

Will Langford unfies at gmail.com
Tue Nov 25 18:34:50 UTC 2008

> With the MediaGX (or AMD/NSC Geode classic 200-300MHz chips), I've seen
> partially hosed chips.  Unexplainable for sure :).

Ancient thread.... but... there is some relevance and stuff to recent
hardware rumblings, and what I have to say might be useful none the less :)

We've had roughly 3 or 4 CPU's in the last 6 months that would POST or
semi-POST... but still end up being bad.  Reseating them in the socket
didn't help, heatsink stuff was all good, etc.   The processor itself was
just... well... bad.

I can't recall if these were P4 Celeron 2GHz, or p3 socket ~700-1GHz class.

So, while rare, a CPU can partially fail - and I've now seen it several
times heh.


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