[olug] C programming question (cross-compiling under Linux to run on Windows).

Luke-Jr luke at dashjr.org
Mon Mar 2 02:19:39 UTC 2009

On Saturday 28 February 2009 11:34:06 am Dan Linder wrote:
> Q1: Since my C is really rusty, are there any GPL/free tools or sites that
> will look over the code and check for common programming errors (i.e.
> dereferenced pointers, etc).

Dereferenced pointers are an error? ;)

GCC will catch the most obvious stuff; Valgrind for memory-related bugs.

> Q2: I'd really like to rewrite this in either VBScript or WScript rather
> than the compiled binary.  Does anyone have a simple example code of
> opening a socket connection and sending data in VBScript?

Uh, this is a *Linux* list, not a "trying to avoid Linux and move to Windows" 
list... which is right where that question belongs.

Now, as far as actually cross-compiling, it's quite trivial on Gentoo with 
crossdev and mingw. No idea for other OS, however.

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