[olug] C programming question (cross-compiling under Linux to run on Windows).

Christopher Cashell topher-olug at zyp.org
Mon Mar 2 04:00:25 UTC 2009

On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 11:34 AM, Dan Linder <dan at linder.org> wrote:
> Q1: Since my C is really rusty, are there any GPL/free tools or sites that
> will look over the code and check for common programming errors (i.e.
> dereferenced pointers, etc).  I know in college (mid 90's) I used lint and
> "fuzz" to try to check and break programs.  I hope it's progressed further
> in 15+ years.

lint is still around in a couple of different forms including lint,
splint, and pc-lint .  Other tools that might be worth looking into
are valgrind, Electric Fence, and gcc's -Wall option (-pedantic if you
really want to see stuff).

> Q2: I'd really like to rewrite this in either VBScript or WScript rather
> than the compiled binary.  Does anyone have a simple example code of opening
> a socket connection and sending data in VBScript?

I'm not sure you'll find a lot of familiarity with VBScript or WScript
on this list, but this sounds pretty trivial to do in Perl (or Python,
but I much prefer Perl, personally).  There's two choices for Perl on
Windows, ActiveState (the old stand-by, been around for a while,
solid, dependable), and the new up-and-comer, Strawberry Perl
(community developed, less polished, better CPAN integration).

We actually did a decent bit of Perl on Windows at a previous job, and
had a lot of success with it.  It started with a Perl guy needed to
put together a Windows-based tool in a hurry, and using Perl for it.
It worked really well, and things kind of expanded from there.

> Dan


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